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tv   Action News Weekend Edition at 7AM  ABC  August 20, 2016 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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live from the station taking action for you, this is abc action news. alone in the car and a thief takes off with the vehicle. where police found that child took after two years in jail, why a judge said they had to let him go. a judge warning pregnant women to avoid miami. it is 7:00 on this saturday morning. i am lindsay logue work
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she is back from vacation. and let's see if it's going to be a good day. to logan. bill, things are looking all right. as a matter fact, we are roughly a minute and a half away from the official sunrise and we are already seeing just a couple of showers. offshore and into the gulf of mexico and also, a couple further inland. from wauchula down toward sylvan lakes, this is a very light shower just sort of popping up. it looked like ground cover originally but this is looking more like actual rain. tampa right now with 81 degrees and it is 79 in clearwater and saint petersburg. the winds are calm and we will
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today coming out of the west and that will push any of the very random showers further inland. we will take that high up to about 91-92 degrees later on today feeling more like 100-102 so make sure you have plenty of water. find some shade and otherwise, enjoy the sunshine. even less rain chances tomorrow. i will show you the weekend outlook in detail coming up in less than 15 minutes. right now, back over to you. >> it was two years pinellas trail where police found the body. >> and a tip led to the arrest but now, the investigation is all the way back to square one. michael explains why a judge throughout his confession. >> [ screaming ] come out, jesus! [ screaming ] jesus! >> reporter: that is because he walked out of jail with three
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ahead of him. >> he doesn't want to talk about the case.>> reporter: clearwater says his id and wallet were found inside jones home. jones happen to find them walking the trail and pick them up as a good samaritan. his aunt never doubted her nephew's innocence. >> all i know is that jesus released a child that did not do anything. >> reporter: a that his confession was coerced with nothing to hold him, the case was dropped and the cheap of clearwater releasing this statement. they did not make any egregious errors. there are elements which are subject to interpretation of the court. >> i've got jesus and you know he had it in you.
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can scratch one more name off their list. >> reporter: in clearwater, michael please, abc action news . police found a two-year-old in the back of a car when it was stolen friday taken from the strip mall that you are seeing right here. witnesses say the driver left the child alone for a minute to pick up something from a store. of the time he came back, the car was gone along with the middleborough and small dog. the car was found about 15 blocks away. police say she stolen ambulance shortly after being released from the hospital. she told an officer that she was just trying to get home but the metro bus was not running any longer. police found her using the ambulance gps system. early voting begins today
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and sarasota counties. the polls have already opened in hillsboro county. from 10 am until 6 pm today. from 9 am until 5 pm tomorrow. there are three early voting locations where voters can check wait times and in sarasota county, voters can cast any time between 8:30 and 4:30. there are four early voting locations there and election day is the 30th. you must register with the political party to cast a vote. the president announced he will visit that bruise on tuesday. the white house said friday that the president is equal to -- eager to get to the university. that announcement comes just after donald trump's visit to the area. while there, john called out the president for not yet visiting. trump and his running mate met
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the flooding. the two of them handed out 70,000 pounds worth of food, water, diapers, blankets and supplies. >> after leaving louisiana, donald trump appeal to michigan to vote for him. specifically, african- americans. >> what do you have to lose? you are living in poverty. your schools are no good. 58% of your youth is employed. what the hell lose? >> reporter: he also guarantees that at the end of four years, he will get more than 95% of the african-american vote work many people online taking offense to the soundbite saying trump assumes all black people are living in poverty and unemployed. all of this comes after a new poll shows trump getting 1% of the african-american vote. hillary clinton responded
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who quoted trump's plea and tweeted herself, this is so ignorant that it is staggering. and elephant refuge will no longer operate in florida. the national elephant center shutting down after three of the five elephants sent there died here the elephants have been sent to other facilities and board members are saying board members are looking at other ways to use the site on the east coast. it has for florida amusement parks. and plenty of scary headlines. blaming everything from school schedules to the weather for declining attendance and now, several parks are offering great deals to try to get you back. >> free admission for busch gardens and sea world for the rest of the month. if you have an annual pass to disney, you can get a deep discount on park tickets
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one-day park offers for $70. universal orlando. florida residents can also get a three night hotel stay and to park passes for $139. health experts are cooling zika everything from a wolf in sheep's clothing to the perfect storm now that the virus is being transported -- transmitted from two different areas. there was a focus group meeting yesterday. there is research being done on that campus right now even though zika was first identified decades ago, there is still a great deal we don't know.>> we really don't know where the populations that we have here in the united states, how confident these particular species factors are going to be and whether there will be variations in the ability of this mosquito to transmit this virus. >> david jolly and kathy castor
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researchers about work on a vaccine. it is still being developed and tested. much more coming up on the weekend edition. the death of a beloved teacher still sending shockwaves throughout tampa bay. new efforts on the way to keep young drivers off the road and make sure all of us are safe. -- drunk drivers off the road and make sure all of us are safe. up next, the in demand skill that could make your of schooling. do you know what? you do not need a lot of school to play golf but you do need skill and luck and good weather! it looks like we had good weather for today starting off in the upper 70s and low 90s by later on. very slim rain chances so it looks like you will get a round of golf in okay. whether or not you play will is
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others and bring you a fun forecast for this entire
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the highway patrol's "drive sober or get pulled over" campaign right here in area tech stack those impacted hope it is -- the bay area. >> reporter: in describing her longtime friend: >> i honestly don't know many people who are as kind and selfless and generous. and just a good souls.
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>> reporter: she and her boyfriend were hit a jump driver. she said she never really understood the tremendous impact. the decision of one person to drive drunk can have until now. >> it just seems more cruel now than ever that someone would have a drink or 10 and get behind the wheel with a real possibility that somebody's life could end that day and the ripple effect that it has to friends, family, community. >> reporter: the florida highway patrol says it remains committed to stopping drunk drivers in their tracks. it boasts an average of 150 impaired drivers a month. the annual drive sober or get pulled over campaign will put everyone on notice that drinking and driving is never okay. >> i don't want you driving impaired for any reason.
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long trip or short trip, it doesn't matter. we have lost too many people. >> reporter: those who knew and loved this analysis -- this pinellas county tenet -- teacher -- >> it is murder. i urge everyone to please think about it before you do.>> reporter: in tampa, abc action news . >> the legal fees are so much more than paying a order for. even if you have to go back and get your car the next day. >> just 10,000 -- around $10,000, just estimating. >> so many people affected by that. not only the students but the teachers. and the other good reminder is
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the traffic stops are going to be happening between now and labor day. so just do yourself a favor and be smart. if you're going to drink, make other plans on how you are going to get home. bay area roads will be crowded today for sure with folks heading to the beaches. a nice-looking start as the sun comes up. as we take a look out at some high clouds and mostly blue skies from our rivergate tower and a gorgeous sunrise th weekend are going to go down. the sunshine will be on the increase and yes, we are still watching the tropics and keeping an eye on things away from here. it is not a problem. it looks like fiona with another couple of tropic waves off the coast. we are still watching but nothing to worry about. we have seen a few showers off coast but that's about it if we
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it is going to go right through this section of the state and push inland. right now, 81 degrees in tampa. 81 in hudson. 79 in sarasota. and 75 currently in lakeland. here is a look of that future cast for you. by 1:00, you will start to see those storms start to push along the i-75 corridor and they will continue to move off to the east by 3 o'clock. you could see some decent storm cells in southern hillsboro county looki but for the most part, all of this will push to the east coast so we're looking for no more than 20 to 30% coverage today. maybe 10 to 20% coverage has those storms remain widely scattered. here is a look at florida's most accurate day planner. going from 80 degrees to 90 later on and how about that bald? further north, they are going to be playing in jacksonville.
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and the temperatures will drop as the sun dips below the horizon finishing up with very steamy temperatures in the 80s. 86 degrees is your gulf water temperature right now and it will go up to about 81 later on today. the air temperature will be about the same with the uv index in the extreme category. is a look at florida's most a very slim chance of showers and we will hold on to those remote rain chances during the beginning of the work we. still warm and 92 degrees today. the sea breeze comes in just a little more pleasant but no more than a 20%-30% chance of showers right through the end of the workweek. that is florida's most accurate seven day forecast and remember, you can always check it out 24/7 and the weekend is always
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i'm sure friday was paid a for many of you and you may find this information useful. getting a bigger place check -- paycheck could be just a click away. committed to finding new ways to plan a better career path. there is a job out there where you do not have to spend any money to make yourself more marketable. the 35-year-old is clicking his way to cash. >> i came home from work every day and sat room and went page by page through the book until i learned it. >> reporter: he is talking about code writing. he writes all of this jargon you see by looking at it makes no sense but actually tells the computer how to operate. in just six months of studying, he went from making $25,000 to a six-figure salary. >> it is not out of the question that you could be making an hundred, 124 $140,000 . it also comes with working at home and flexible hours.
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>> reporter: the chief information officer council, the people doing the hiring estimate there is a $1 trillion talent deficit in this area. >> if you are going down that path, you are always going to have a job. you will always be in demand. >> reporter: there are three online courses offered by code academy and treehouse. online courses were not around when he made his career change back in 2005 but one thing remains the same. and intimidation factor. specifically thinking you need to be great at math to code. >> the fact of the matter is, i don't do a lot of math from day today. >> reporter: with 25% of high- paying jobs at $50,000 or more requiring some elements of coding, there are elementary schools teaching the skills. >> five, six or seven years
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it is a year-long project meant to make our community better but the. plan is being pushed back.>> the one thing you can do to help jumpstart the process. that is next on the news at
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the groundbreaking has been pushed back to mid 2017. >> actually found out why this project is facing problems right now. >> reporter: you may see videos like this one popping up in your email.>> the most significant is the peer amid. >> reporter: covering the history or construction schedule attempting to reach people living in st pete tweet questions. knowing what the final plans are. hard deadline, a date that will actually stop. >> reporter: according to the website, design concept are supposed to be finalize the summer but that has not happened yet and groundbreaking has already been pushed back. steve cornell says the last meeting, the plans were still changing beyond what he expected with the construction process. >> too many things were on their list that i thought
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and were kind of sold as part of the basic project. with a $70 million budget, he says the splash pad should not be negotiable. >> find a make -- find a way to make it work. don't put it out there as a half project and say this is what we can do because that's not what anybody told us.>> meetings with the public are planning to start in september and cornell says they are asked to sharpen their pencils and people who live here just want progress. the next update on the peer with all of city council scheduled for the beginning of october. in st pete, abc action news .>> the city architect tells us several ordinances in the design need changing. the next open house coming up
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showing a very curious family of skunks getting close and personal to the cyclist, smelling the man's shoes. luckily, that is all they did and then took off keeping their own smells to themselves. >> there is a really funny joke there and i just cannot, it is too early in the morning. >> maybe for the commercial break your coming up at 7:30 -- >> and e at a tampa mosque. >> and what led investigators to suspect arson, ahead. >> the new trump statues and what he says about their
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live from th taking action for you, this is abc action news. welcome back on this saturday morning. 7:30 and i am lindsay logue. hear the stories we're following this morning. it could cause the local mosque more than $150,000 to rebuild. >> the son of a victim in a
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service for his father. we will take you to jupiter expect a college football player caught on camera feeding his dog. wait until you hear. that's all ahead but first, jason. >> we are still happy to have mince back. she has planned this tampa olympics. >> we are always live on facebook during our 9 o'clock show on saturdays. lindsey hess this big show plans. there is weht there's putting. >> there is jelly belly tasting . >> and a few more things. >> plus, we have trivia. and trivia. my goodness. you and i know about trivia. so much going on. let's get right to the weather and show you what is going on right now. a gorgeous shot from apollo beach. just a few clouds out there into the gulf of mexico. there are showers associated
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moving onshore yet. and we don't expect them to. let's check out the tropics. this is the time of year where we start to see the numbers of storms increase. the actual peak of the hurricane season is 10 september so we are heading right toward that. and we are checking out a couple of disturbances out into the atlantic looks like this will kind of curve this way and be a fish storm but this area down here is showing development and folks at the national hurricanes center are pinning this at a 50% chance of development over the next five days. the track on this one takes it a little further south into the island. so that will bear us watching. first, we will continue to give
7:32 am and if anything breaks or gets tricky, we will be sure to let you know. closer to home, we do have showers offshore and nothing is showing up onshore yet here, though, we did have some pretty good rains mr. yesterday afternoon here especially through pinellas county. pea-sized hail through parts of canals part work we are 81 right now in tampa. 84 in longboat and 81 in osprey. we will go through the day and from those temperatures up to the low 90s with a very slim chance of showers. only about 30% and i will show you the best chances of picking up some of that rain as we drill down into the details and timeout those storms. that will be coming up in less than 15 minutes. >> new details into the investigation of a fire. it was originally rolled an electrical fire but new evidence is pointing to arson.
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test samples back that showed gasoline. nearly $15,000 in turkish rugs were destroyed. >> i was really disappointed. because, this was a prayer place reward of up to $3000 for any information. friends and family gathered in jupiter at a memorial service. deputies say the florida state student killed john and michelle stevens in their home last week. the murder happened days before the couple plan to kristin -- plan to attend the christening of their granddaughter. >> we cannot wait to meet her -- he could not wait to meet
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that the couple had written to each other over the decades of a marriage. two cars go up in flames. take a look at the scene. just a few hours ago. st pete police say an officer stopped on the bridge to help a driver whose car had broken down and another car slammed into the police cruiser. the car the caused the crash and a broken down car went up the police cruiser did not. a palm coast man is in -- out of jail this morning facing serious child abuse charges. in a said he took the boy to up on and threatened to feed the boy to the alligators. when they got home, he shoved the eight euros days into a carpet cutting off his oxygen supply. down to a horrifying story
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feeding his dog and we want to warn you that the video is disturbing. >> oh, my goodness! >> it is really bad. it was posted on another bu players snapchat. showing the former baylor student initially went to animal control and baylor pd with the video and also show the atla about this and said he was only trying to discipline his dog and not harm him. after investigation that lasted little over him -- a little over a month, it was closed and he received a ticket that could cost them up to $500. the dog is with relatives in houston. okay. a california man almost got away from police but decided, let's check the guys drier and
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the domestic violence suspect hiding out. police arrested him. i don't think i could fit into my drier. there is a story that just will not go away. brian lock back -- lochte is not the only swimmer. >> he says he never lied about the incident and he says lochte did argue with security guards james fagan was the last american swimmer in brazil. his plane landed last night. michael phelps had little to say about the situation. >> reporter: what do you think about lochte and what happened in brazil? >> we have good people taking care of us.
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asking him if he enjoyed his starbucks. yesterday, it was shared all over social media and they released fagan's passport after he agreed to donate $11,000 to a brazilian charity. a magazine based in new york city says clearwater is number one in the nation for the number of growing private businesses. clearwater continues to try new businesses area businesses made the magazine's top 500 and top 5000 list. scammers are using a new way to steal your identity. these are using the post office to steal your identity, hijacking your mail by filling out a change of address form using your name and address to send the email somewhere else -- to send your mail somewhere else.
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happening because the post office always send a confirmation to your address. the statues of a naked donald trump have been popping up across cities in the us. people from cities like san francisco, new york and san francisco has been posting the pictures of the new gop nominee. joshua ginger dreamt up the rift , which is definitely not flattering to donald trump. a less than generous take on what trump wanted america no -- america to know what was not a problem. >> certain things like the anatomy in the mail region had to be extremely lacking. they wanted it to be pretty lifelike with some characteristics that were
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>> we are tiptoeing and skating around this one, aren't we. >> boy, oh boy. hundreds of volunteers will look for scallops as part of an effort to help. scallops disappeared from the babe back in the 60s and pollution was to blame but since then, water quality has preapproved -- has improved. if voting isn't your thing -- if boating isn't your thing, the event runs from 11 am until 6 pm at sutton park in palmetto and there will be live music, several food trucks. lobster grilled cheese, jalapeno grilled cheese and i'm sure, tons more.
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. coming up, a local hotel caught in the middle of a widespread computer hack. next, we explain how hackers targeted credit cards. >> insect invasion. why flying roaches, termites and others are getting out of control right now and how you
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happy weekend. it is free ice skating during the grand opening of the clearwater on serena. only five dollars. in wesley chapel, enjoy a free car show with more than 200 vintage cars expected. and joined tampa bay dancing with the stars continue. a weekend news anchor is
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how is dance practice going? >> it is going. >> i'm going to donate some money to the james tilly dance fund. >> dancing with the stars, we did this last year and we're going to try to follow in your footsteps. so i'm going to do my best and go on. i have a link on my facebook right now. >> all of the money those. whether they vote for you or not. >> how is that politically correct answer for you. >> hands across the bay and hands along the shore, or going to have a lot of folks out there with their hands to the sky saying all right, sunshine! it looks like very low range chances this weekend and we are
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look to the south and east for my rivergate tower vantage point. you can see it is a nice- looking voting day with the waters almost smooth at this point. we are picking up a couple of showers just offshore. one of our model runs show a slim chance of some coastal showers starting later this morning. i will show you that in just a minute. first of all, corey temperatures including 73 right now. bartow has 74 degrees. 76 in winterhaven the metro, 79 for clearwater. 81 for tampa and 77 in brandon. here's a look at your most accurate digital day planner for the saturday. we will call it an average temperature of about 79 degrees. we will be up into the lower 90s by later on and you will see the clouds increase. we will see any showers pushing one's. here is what i mean by
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start to see some showers over toward polk county and we will see the showers pick up along the coast and move inland toward i-75 by about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. later on, we will see most of them moved to the south and east away from the metro and certainly, away from the beaches so we're looking for 90 degrees and mostly clear in st. petersburg today with wins -- with the wind shifting out of the southeast. and those rains will be around tampa and further east as we top out at about 91, 92 degrees. 88 degrees issue gulf water temperature right now and we will see those light southeast winds at 5 kn shift from the west and that will be the sea breeze by later this afternoon. sees will average 1 to 2 feet and a good voting day with a light chop and the uv index in the extreme category at 11 so don't forget the sun sauce. 10:43 will be your low tide this evening after a high tide.
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o'clock this afternoon. the sun came up at 7:03 and it will said at 803 and you will notice the day is continuing to get shorter. and the chances of rain really kind of pilling off this week. no more than about a 20 to 30% chance of showers pretty much all week but of course, we concentrate on the weekend around here. the isolated storms will push inland. late this morning, we may see a random raindrop two and better chances will be early afternoon. by 6:30, it will be completely out of the area. very little rain for sunday but possibly just about anytime, it will be very slim chance of showers. nothing that will get and -- get in the way of any of your weekend plans. that is a look at your weather does most accurate seven day forecast. and i am tweeting out at my twitter address.
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walked out to the sunrise. there are bos where i am from but not quite like here. hot weather here in florida. and really, all across the country. florida has some crazy bugs and also, in new york city, the flying roaches, the american cockroach, is taking over and people are posting videos on youtube because they don't see them but if you have pest control, they usually stay outside because they like the soil outside and the conditions are right for them. >> everyone is freaking out about the flying cockroaches in new york city and i am freaking out about the headlines. they usually don't get this warm weather. usually, the roaches are small, do not have wings and died during the wintertime. >> a cyber security putting
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hit by sophisticated hackers and one of those right here in tampa. brian smith explains what customers can do to keep their valuable information safe when they travel. >> hdi hotels and resorts say hackers using malware may have swiped credit card information at the intercontinental tampa bay. hotel guests we spoke with say they were not told about the hack. >> reporter: the widespread bridge could date back as early as march 2015 in some locations. >> credit card data, the card number, the cbd -- and the expiration date are resold and resold. on the illegal side of the internet.
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cyber security and he says this is nothing new and could've been prevented.>> they should've learned from the earlier hacks that have been done and how they were done. >> reporter: he suggests travelers update laptops and smart phones before the trip from home and also, use a credit card and never debit when checking into a hotel. fraudulent charges cannot be disputed on your debit card. and if you stayed at and june, monitor bank statements for unusual activity and freeze the accounts in question. >> no bad guy is going to be abable to open an account in yo name meaning identity theft is going to be a lot harder for the bad guys if you do that. 7:50 right now and still ahead, healthcare in florida
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mistake you could be making that is costing you more money just to see the doctor. you certainly could do with a cup of coffee but whitening her cheek -- whitening your teeth with charcoal? it's happening. what you need to know about before you or your kids see this video and for some reason
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sure, school just started but the florida district got an f. the problem, comparing prices before a medical procedure. >> adam winer shows you the one thing you could do that could save you thousands. >> reporter: americans love finding a great deal but when it comes to health care, it can be tough to even find a price.>> reporter: in markets, the prices are very transparent. amazon is a great example of where you can go to compare prices. >> reporter: he says, for people who cannot compare prices, they will end up paying more. >> healthcare is a very
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>> the lack of transparency is why the healthcare incentives institute gave florida and much of the country a failing grade here the florida health can help you compare prices but you cannot see what others have paid in the past or how much something will cost with your insurance. if you have an emergency, you are fresh to an emergency room. but then, people rushed you're still insurance and it is costing all of us money. the cost for providing care is more than $370 million. >> today, some local leaders met to help cover those currently without health insurance. the economist says soon, that may include more people after others have backed out of the public insurance marketplace. >> you can see around the
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companies pulling back. i think it is definitely a scary trend. >> reporter: adam winer, abc action news . >> file this one under if it is too good to be true, it probably is. a dentist gaming -- gaining steam. smearing a chocolate mixture all of your mouth. if you don't believe me, take a look. he already has more than one point 5 million views. she says her teeth but a warning from a tampa dentist saying there is no scientific evidence that brushing your teeth with charcoal works and it may remove some staining but also would remove the enamel. it's not easy being beautiful. we have another full hour in this area of nbc action news right after good morning
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competing in this year's dancing with the stars competition to raise money for charities. five local charities and they will split the money. coming up at 9:dirty. -- 9:dirty. we will tell you about it new rideshare service coming up. coming up on gma, decorated olympian, lochte, now apologizing. some of the caught on video. what he one of his fellow swimmers also caught up in the scandal just now arriving back in the us. what will this do to their careers and endorsement deal? emergency crews carrying out rescue overnight. this as the scope comes into focus. they are calling this the worst natural disaster in america since superstar and sandy. >> speaking of louisiana, we
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zone. the candidate attempt to freshened some of the usual approach to african-american voters. we will see gorgeous conditions with lots of sunshine . starting right now and kind of continuing through the day, look for a high in the low 90s and it will be up to 92 in tampa. a little bit cooler along the beach. we will see you guys at
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good morning, america. newover night, lochte's apology. the swimmer says he's sorry for his behavior after a night of partying in rio. meanwhile, one of his teammates is pointing fingers. what he says really happened the night they were detained by armed security guards. campaign shake-up. donald trump's campaign manager out. paul manafort leaving team trump as the candidate tries to reshape his image visiting flood-ravaged louisiana. >> you'll be fine. >> plus, trump's new message to african-american voters. >> what the hell do you have to lose? a new zika warning this morning. the environment reaching one of the most popular vacation beaches in america.


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